Sunday, 26 March 2023

How to apply for a Personal Health Budget in the NHS

 To apply for a Personal Health Budget in the NHS, you should follow these steps:

  • Discuss with your healthcare team: Talk to your healthcare team, including your care coordinator, doctor, or nurse, about your interest in applying for a Personal Health Budget. They can help you determine whether you are eligible and guide you through the application process.

  • Complete an eligibility assessment: Your healthcare team will carry out an assessment to determine whether you are eligible for a Personal Health Budget. The assessment will take into account your healthcare needs and goals, and whether a Personal Health Budget is the best way to meet these needs.

  • Develop a care plan: If you are eligible for a Personal Health Budget, you will work with your healthcare team to develop a care plan that outlines your healthcare needs, goals, and the services and support that will be funded through your Personal Health Budget.

  • Apply for funding: You will need to complete an application form to request funding for your Personal Health Budget. Your care coordinator can help you with this process and provide guidance on what information to include in your application.

  • Review and approval: Your application will be reviewed by a panel of healthcare professionals who will determine whether to approve your funding request. If your application is approved, you will receive a funding agreement that outlines how much funding you will receive and how it can be used.

  • Manage your Personal Health Budget: Once you receive your funding agreement, you can start managing your Personal Health Budget. Th

    is involves working with your healthcare team to implement your care plan and using your funding to pay for healthcare services and direct payment for healthcare support that meet your needs and goals.

Overall, the process of applying for a Personal Health Budget in the NHS can vary depending on your individual circumstances. Your healthcare team can provide guidance and support throughout the process and help you access the funding you need to meet your healthcare needs.

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Government plans to exceed the rights of a Personal Health Budget

 The health secretary on the 8th of March had set out targets for a “radical acceleration” of personal health budgets which are part of a newly formed agenda.

This includes a significantly massive expansion on the current target which sits at 200,00 service users to have a personal health budget by the year 2024 additionally up to 4 million people accessing “personalized care” by March 2024

There was a speech stating that the NHS is already becoming a more personalized service with personalized budgets, personalized technology, personalized medicine, and treatment. That they want to see the radical acceleration of that process.

“The current target Is set for 200,00 people to have a Personal Health Budget by 2024, but they want to see a significant expansion in the coming years. We will start by exploring the extension of legal rights to enable significantly more people to benefit”

The statement also stated that the NHS has exceeded its target of “2.5 million” people having benefitted from personalized care 2 years early due to care providers delivering an outstanding amount of care and service.

Setting out this agenda, the statement has stressed that this comes as the NHS faces some “long-Term Challenges” in the rise of patient expectations and an “unsustainable financial trajectory”

In 2018, the government proposed everything to extend the right to have a Personal Health Budget to people with ongoing mental health needs, learning disabilities, and autism. As well as those who have left or are leaving the army.

The amount of Personal Health Budgets has been rising every year since they launched the project back in 2014, with a rough amount of 23,000 people who received one in the first nine months of 2017 and 2018.

Here at Secure Personal Assistants, we are here to help manage and implement everything needed for a Personal Health Budget (PHB). We can provide you with your very own personal assistant to help you with everything, we can provide the training in our very own offices for the personal assistant to help you with your ongoing medical conditions, and our robust clinical and training team will implement a care plan for you which is personalized to your very own way of living and what you think is best for the Personal Assistants to follow and get more knowledge on how everything should work and be including the routing of your recovery that is based in your very own home.

To find out more about what Secure Personal Assistants offer give us a call or visit our website:

01902 902448

How Personal Health Budgets Empower You to Manage Your Healthcare

Healthcare is personal, and the solutions for managing it should be, too. With the growing emphasis on patient-centric approaches, personal ...